Monday, December 22, 2014

Lets go back to the day i was a child

Everyone has a time that they have a lot of pain inside, and you just want that everything stop; you just want that everything go back the way that it was. This happened to Jonas, he want to change everything and want to go back and continued been that little boy that passes all day long playing, all they long eating and passing time with his family and his friends. Jonas wants to be again that little boy that everyone love and take care of him, he want to go back to the time that he sleep all day and her mother choose his decisions and what he need to make. In the book I could find a part that takes a lot my attention because it is very true what says here, He didn’t want the memories, didn’t want the honor, didn’t want the wisdom, and didn’t want the pain. He wanted his childhood again, his scraped knees and ball games."pg 121". This part was very sad for me because I think that is very illogical that a boy that has only twelve years old needs to choose his future, need to have responsibilities, need to make rules for his community with just only twelve years old, make they own decisions and need to stop making a lot of this that he like and he make in the past each day. Anyone could feel very sad if you need to pass for this, do you?

This video is a song that is composed my "Ahmad" and is very similar from what is happening in the book.

I like everything about this book, it is very interesting, and i cant stop reading because i want to continued reading every chapter and finish the book.Always that i am reading i dont whant to stop and i justg want to continued reading chapter to chapter.I recommend to everyone to read this book, i will like that everyone enjoy reading this book because after that you start reading it you fell very good, because that book show us that we doknt need to complicate about nothing, this book show to the readers that we need to always be happy and have fun, because the life is very beautifull and every second of our life we need to enjoy. Thats why i recommend to all the world to read this book and comment to my blog and tell me if you like it or not, enjoy your reading.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Pedro Mártir De Angleria


Queridas personas de todo el mundo. Estamos de prisa es un viaje muy importante en nuestras vidas, estamos a punto de llegar a América,es un viaje muy esperados por todos.Estoy aquí a punto de llegar con todos mis amigos muy cercanos,mi nombre es Pedro Mártir de Angleria y estoy muy ansioso de ya llegar a estas tierras.Bueno pues les contare mi historia, yo fui miembro del consejo de las indias en 1520, el ocupo varios diplomáticos, cargos eclesiásticos y cargos políticos. Fui educado en Roma en 1485,todos me reconocían en mi país por el gran talento que tenía, cuando tuve hijos quería que sean los mejores así que les guié para que sigan mis ejemplos y que sean muy reconocidos también como yo. Aparte de eso fui conquistado del ejercito castellano y logre la conquista. Lo que yo quiero lograr para este viaje es poder ser dueño de estas tierras de América y poder ganar territorio, pero para poder lograr todo esto tengo que seguir las reglas del capitán y estar siempre en grupo con mis grandes amigos para poder tener una buena impresión cuando lleguemos y poder ganar mucha riqueza, poder y ser bastante reconocidos, otro dato es que aquí existe bastante la burguesía por el comercio y los negocios que todos tienen al rededor del mundo.Uno de los logros que nosotros hemos tenido es poder tener varios feudos, mucha tierra, mucha riqueza. Así que nuestro propósito es negociar con el Sr.Feudal para que nos obsequie a cambio de tierras muy fértiles.

Monday, December 15, 2014


It was the time, all the ceremonies start to come on, first in come the ceremony of nine.Jonas sister "Lily" is going to receive a bicicle in that ceremony she was very excited because was the first time that she is going to knew how to ride a bicicle and it was the first time that she had one.A lot of ceremonies start passing in that period time and Jonas was very happy and aslso excited for the ceremony of twelve because in that ceremony the elders are going to choose like all his future,they choose what he is going to do the rest of his life.The day that everyones in Jonas family was waiting forward, the ceremony of twelve, the day everyone was waiting, the day most important in Jonas life.The ceremonie starts, the elders recieve like some tickets for all the partcicipants and the ceremony get start.They start calling one by one and start choosing the job they are going to have,in that moment Jonas was teh person most nervious in the world it was about what he is going to be the rest of his life.Everyone would be nervious,dont you?,ok,so the turns strats passing and passing until it was Jonas turn but something vey strange happened the elders skip his name.But Jonas didint know what is hapening,at the last they go to Jonas turn and he dont has selected in anything because he was the chosen one. "Welcome,Reciever of Memory,"she said respectfully."Oh please,"he replied uncomfortable."Call me Jonas." -Lowry (Pg73) I see this quote very interesting because, who has not happened?,treat someone with great respect, being very obedient and educated people with them and you get the most embarassing part when they say no,do not treat me so amabnlemente,treat me like a normal person.This pass to everyone in the world even one time in all the world but it pass.So i choose this quote because i think that is something that almost all the world had in commonm, and it is kind of embarassing and funny thing.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Jonas has been assign!

Jonas fell very nervious,and fell like very strange because he dot know in what job he is going to be assign.First he want to be a pilot,but then his mother explain to her that he don't choose the job he wants to had,she tell to her that the elders choose to her in what he is good at and in what things they think that are interesting to her.In the second part of the story Jonas start to fell kind of different,because he know a girl called Fiona and he thinks that he was in love of her.He thinks that Fiona was a very pretty girl and he want to know more to her.Then Jonas tell to her parents that he likes a lot to Fiona but they say her that he needs to forget about that girl and he could be with Fiona that it was a very bad decision about to know Fiona and have something with her,so he fell very embarrassing and sad.Next it was the ceremony of twelve and he dont know what to do,in that moment Jonas was the person most nervious in all the world,the elders were calling one by one then it was the turn of Jonas but they skip her number.Then he realized that he was the assign one, so he become the most important for all the community and need to start been more responsable, more caretfully in the things he do.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Giver Inglish Class

This book is about a boy called Jonas, he had 11 years old. He was a boy very createful, happy, intelligent but some times he was the opposite, he had a best friend called Usher and he pass almost all the time of her life with her, also he has a sister called Lily and she has 8 years old. He live in a world that anyone cares about anything, they don't care about how they look, how they are, what they do,also in this society that he life there  are no problems such as poverty , hunger, racism and all the people are the same. When they had 9 years old they have a ceremony called "the ceremony of nine" in there the society offer them a bicycle to all the kids that had that age. When they had  twelve years old they had a ceremony called "the ceremony of 12" in that ceremony the committee of the elders choose a work to them, they choose they work allocating in what things they are good, in they specialties in what they had see them throughout all their lives.

In the chapter number one in the first page i have a conection with my laif and the book, my connection is that one that i was alone in my house and i was watching the tv, then i feel like very strange i think that something very bad is going to happened and i dont know what or why i have this feeling, so i feel like very different and i was kind of scared. So in the book said that Jonas also was in his house and he had the same felling as mine,

I will like to start continued reading this book because i just read until the chapter number four and is very interesting, when i read this book i feel very good because i imagine that i a m there and i imagine that i am acting and i am the protagonist of this book. I think that this book is very very interesting and many people would like to read all this book million of times and this book is going to make more famouse and everyone would read this book. Also i enjoy a lot reading this i will like to finish all this book in just one day and i dont stop reading it until i finish.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Giver

Valentina Cabezas

I think that this book is going to be about a man that like to pass time with they family and they friends,a man that is very generous with everyone. I think that this man works in a place where he needs to give givers to everyone in christmas or in some special case.
I think that Lowry by saying that he means that he dedicate that book to all the childrens and he want that every children have a very good future, like having a good job, having many friends, having good grades, study in a good school or university.
What i think that is going to happen in this book is that this man that is very generous with everyone one day get tired of everyone because anypne care about what he gives them or what they do for them so one day he become a man very angry that dont care about anything or anyone.