Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Have your own choices!

Do you every hear about the story called The Pedestrian?
This story is about a man that leave in a society were everyone watch the tv every single night, but he didnt like too much to watch it. One night he was borred in his house, so he go outside to take a walk in the street, he just want to take a breath and some air. But the police suspect from him because was the only man of all the street that didnt watch the tv at night, the police were looking at him and at last they could found to the man. At last he saw his house that were the only one with the light on, he tell that there were his house but anyone answered him. 

 "It smelled of harsh antiseptic, it smelled clean 
 and hard and metallic. There was nothing soft there."

In this quote the author is trying to say that exists diferent types of imagery, and in this quote it shows the imagery of smell. Here the author is trying to strasmit to the reader how does it smell in the story, what are the real smells that the characters are passing there. 

In this story the autor is trying to Tracy to the reader that anyone could make what they want to do, and dosent mater if you dont do what everyone is doing because each of us need to have their own opinions. In this story not because everyone watch the tv it meand that the man is go ing to watch, so he prefered to go outside, walk and take some air instead of  watch the television like everyone.

Monday, January 12, 2015

I think that everything was different..

Jonas is the reciever of memories, he is the only person that is not allowed to tell anything about his life to anyone. He need to solved all of his problems alone, if he is sad he need to save from his own. He cant share all of his painfull memories to anyone, so it is worried because i think that everyoe need to solved there personal painful memories with someone so they could help you, give you ideas or plans to forget them. But something happened, Jonas fotget about everything and he make something, he dont remember that he cant share anything to anyone so he tell to baby Gabe what is happening to his life and how he fell but dont happened nothing because he is a child and he is not able to share with anyone because he is not going to rember what Jonas tell to her. 
Ross Merry was going to be the reciever of memories before Jonas but she actted to be realeased and she dissapear from the comunnity. The giver was sad when Ross Merry was realeased because she was her daughter and he dont what that she died, Jonas wants to see the released of the twins that his dad made, he ask to the giver to show him the video of the released, so he saw and he was very disappointed with his father because he though that he is going to be sad in the video but it was the opossited, he has a very smily face. Jonas was very sad and that night he dont go to sleep in his house because of this video and in that moment he was haiting to his father. 

Las costumbres no importa lo que importa es lo de adentro

Las costumbres de los indígenas 
Tenemos diferentes costumbres y diferentes religiones, creemos en cosas que casi nadie las cree, también nuestras costumbres son medio diferentes a otras religiones y otras comunidades. Una de ellas es que nosotros creemos en todas las historias y todas las leyendas que nos cuentan y que nos sabemos. Nuestra religión es muy civilizada y todos los de nuestra comunidad la tienen que seguir porque si no pueden tener graves problemas como la muerte de ellos y de sus familiares, tenemos que seguir todas nuestras costumbres y todas nuestras leyendas para poder continuar con las costumbres que nosotros tenemos. Otra costumbre es que los indígenas no son caen para nada bien, creemos que son personas malas que solo quiero separarnos y destruir nuestra comunidad. Entonces lo que hicimos fue apoderarnos de ellos y convertirlos en nuestros

 esclavos, de esa manera nos vengamos de todo lo que nos han hecho. Los indígenas tienen religiones y costumbres diferentes a nosotros y por eso no non caen muy bien y les tratamos de esa manera, como se lo merecen.

Todos somos iguales

Tenían una mala sociedad, una sociedad que discriminaban a la gente por su forma de ser, por sus creencias, por sus religiones, por su raza, por lo que pensaban. La pregunta sería porque no les discriminaban? Las personas que tenían mucho dinero se creían los mejores, se creían personas que podían juzgar a cualquiera sin importar que pase, se creían personas más poderosas a las demás, esas personas eran personas que no les importaba nada más que el dinero, trataban a todos como sus empleados y lo único que les importaba era la fortuna y todo el dinero que ellos tenían.  A los indígenas les trataban como animales, ellos tenían que hacer todo lo que les digan o sino de lo contrario les amenazaban con matarlos a ellos y a sus familiares. No les daban de comer nada, no tenían un techo donde dormí, esas personas de mayor cantidad de dinero no tenían importancia de nada y solo se preocupan de ellos.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

La planificación perfecta!

Mi nombre es Pedro Mártir De Angleria y estoy a punto de llegar a América, estoy muy ansioso ya que con todas las noticias y todas las maravillosas cosas que me han dicho estoy muy entusiasmado. Yo se que cuando llegue voy a recolectar bastante oro, y voy a salir con mucha plata y fortuna de esas tierras. Durante el viaje debo obedecer le al capitán para que todo este viaje este perfecto, también debo tener mucha comunicación con mi tropa para poder tener un éxito en este viaje. Tengo pensado que llegaremos a América en  media semana, hoy día es domingo saldremos mañana a primera hora y el jueves ya estaremos llegando,quiero ir y que este viaje no haya sido una perdidas de tiempo.Ya hemos salido, estamos ya en la nave mas de dos semanas no se que esta pasando, tampoco se sin nos perdimos o si tomamos una ruta diferente pero estoy un poco nervioso. Espero llegar muy pronto porque encerio quiero temer

Mi viaje inolvidable

Listo, estamos a punto de llegar nuestro a viaje no ha sido lo que todos esperaban, varios amigos míos han muerto,la mayor parte están heridos y la otra parte que vino conmigo esta desaparecida. La verdad es que fue todo una tragedia, perdí personas que eran muy importantes en mi vida, perdí amigos que eran desde muy cercanos desde mi infancia,pude ver cosas que jamas había visto en toda mi vida, personas que se suicidaban, personas muertas, amigos llorando, muchas familias buscando a sus familiares y miles de tragedias mas. Hubieron malas cosas pero por lo tanto también hubieron muy buenas aventuras, antes de que empezara toda esta tragedia pude disfrutar con mis amigos tiempos inolvidables que siempre los voy a recordar toda mi vida. Creamos estrategias, y planes para nuestra conquista, creamos armas y mucha protección para todos, por lo tanto paso muy buenos y mu
y malos momentos que siempre se quedaran en toda
mi vida.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Lets go back to the day i was a child

Everyone has a time that they have a lot of pain inside, and you just want that everything stop; you just want that everything go back the way that it was. This happened to Jonas, he want to change everything and want to go back and continued been that little boy that passes all day long playing, all they long eating and passing time with his family and his friends. Jonas wants to be again that little boy that everyone love and take care of him, he want to go back to the time that he sleep all day and her mother choose his decisions and what he need to make. In the book I could find a part that takes a lot my attention because it is very true what says here, He didn’t want the memories, didn’t want the honor, didn’t want the wisdom, and didn’t want the pain. He wanted his childhood again, his scraped knees and ball games."pg 121". This part was very sad for me because I think that is very illogical that a boy that has only twelve years old needs to choose his future, need to have responsibilities, need to make rules for his community with just only twelve years old, make they own decisions and need to stop making a lot of this that he like and he make in the past each day. Anyone could feel very sad if you need to pass for this, do you?

This video is a song that is composed my "Ahmad" and is very similar from what is happening in the book.

I like everything about this book, it is very interesting, and i cant stop reading because i want to continued reading every chapter and finish the book.Always that i am reading i dont whant to stop and i justg want to continued reading chapter to chapter.I recommend to everyone to read this book, i will like that everyone enjoy reading this book because after that you start reading it you fell very good, because that book show us that we doknt need to complicate about nothing, this book show to the readers that we need to always be happy and have fun, because the life is very beautifull and every second of our life we need to enjoy. Thats why i recommend to all the world to read this book and comment to my blog and tell me if you like it or not, enjoy your reading.